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Continuing Education Credits (CECs)

Starting the year following the successful completion of the IPM exam, IPM Agents and Applicators must maintain and upgrade their knowledge of IPM by obtaining a minimum of six (6) hours of IPM related learning per registration year (June 1st to May 31st). IPM Certified Agent/Applicator registration renewal is due June 1st every year. Annual registration is valid from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.

IPM Agents/Applicators may also write the approved IPM examination in lieu of obtaining the necessary CECs. IPM agents must report their CECs for the previous year to complete their annual registration.

  • CECs that have been completed by an IPM agent will remain valid for two registration years  
  • CECs in excess of the annually required six (6) hours may be banked for use during the following year
  • All calculations will be based on the IPM registration year (June 1 to May 31)
  • Events may be counted only once and expire at the end of the second registration year


Continuing Education Credit Reporting Form

Information on CEC Qualifying Criteria and Process.

Information for Event Organizers.

2026/2027 Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Event Summary

Sorry, but there are currently no CEC listings at this time.

    Reviewed 10/18/2023